Hanbit Psychiatric Rehabilitation Hospital is a specialized medical institution located in Jinju city, Gyeongsang Namdo, Republic of Korea.The institution provides regional mental health services to individuals, families, and communities in Jinju City. Their programs offer specialized interventions to reduce symptoms, alleviate distress, and to support individuals to live meaningful lives and develop the skills and supports needed to choose, obtain, and keep valued roles in the community.
University of California is a public land grant higher education institution located in Davis, California, USA. Research in the Social Cognition Lab at UC Davis investigates the cognitive processes underlying social psychology and behavior. They are interested in how people perceive themselves, other people, and groups of people.
The University of Hildesheim Foundation emerged from the Teacher’s Training University of Lower Saxony (founded in 1946), and currently has four divisions: Educational and Social Sciences; Cultural Studies and Aesthetic Communication; Linguistics and Information Science; and Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Economics and Computer Science.